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CL6520 Gearbox Brush Holder for the following LGB Locomotives - 2 pieces:
2018, 2028, 2019, 20192, 2044, 20440, 2045, 20450, 2046, 20460,
2118, 21181, 2144, 21440, 2145, 21450, 2146, 21460, 2218, 22182,
2218, 22184, 2219, 22192, 2244, 22440, 2246, 22460, 2318, 23182,
2319, 23191, 23192, 23194, 2344, 23440, 2418, 24182, 2419, 24194,
2446, 24460, 2518, 25182, 2519, 25194, 2618, 26182, 2619, 26192,
26194, 27182, 2819, 28192, 2919, 29192, and others.
Original LGB Part Number 2018/34